Pandas Practice Code Set 6

2/11/22, 11:58 AM
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In [1]:
In [2]:
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student1 Mathematics 85 B Good
Student2 History 98 A Excellent
Student3 English 76 C Fair
Student4 Science 72 C Fair
Student5 Arts 95 A Excellent
Subject Mathematics
Score 85
Grade B
Remarks Good
Name: Student1, dtype: object
# In addition to passing default integer indexes, you can also
# pass named or labeled indexes to the loc function.
# Lets create a dataframe with named indexes. Run the
# following script to do so:
import pandas as pd
scores = [
{'Subject':'Mathematics', 'Score':85, 'Grade': 'B', 'Remarks': 'Good',
{'Subject':'History', 'Score':98, 'Grade': 'A','Remarks':
{'Subject':'English', 'Score':76, 'Grade': 'C','Remarks': 'Fair'},
{'Subject':'Science', 'Score':72, 'Grade': 'C','Remarks': 'Fair'},
{'Subject':'Arts', 'Score':95, 'Grade': 'A','Remarks': 'Excellent'},
my_df = pd.DataFrame(scores, index = ["Student1", "Student2", "Student3",
"Student4", "Student5"])
# From the output below, you can see that the my_dfdataframe
# now contains named indexes, e.g., Student1, Student2, etc.
# Lets now filter a record using Student1 as the index value in
# the loc function.
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In [3]:
In [4]:
In [5]:
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student1 Mathematics 85 B Good
Student2 History 98 A Excellent
Student1 B
Student2 A
Name: Grade, dtype: object
# As shown below, you can specify multiple named indexes in a
# list to the loc method. The script below filters records with
# indexes Student1 and Student2.
index_list = ["Student1", "Student2"]
# You can also find the value in a particular column while
# filtering records using a named index.
# The script below returns the value in the Grade column for the
# record with the named index Student1.
my_df.loc["Student1", "Grade"]
# As you did with the default integer index, you can specify a
# range of records using the named indexes within the loc
# function.
# The following function returns values in the Grade column for
# the indexes from Student1 to Student2.
my_df.loc["Student1":"Student2", "Grade"]
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In [6]:
In [7]:
In [8]:
Student1 B
Student2 A
Student3 C
Student4 C
Name: Grade, dtype: object
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student4 Science 72 C Fair
# Lets see another example.
# The following function returns values in the Grade column for
# the indexes from Student1 to Student4.
my_df.loc["Student1":"Student4", "Grade"]
# You can also specify a list of Boolean values that correspond
# to the indexes to select using the loc method.
# For instance, the following script returns only the fourth
# record since all the values in the list passed to the loc function
# are false, except the one at the fourth index.
my_df.loc[[False, False, False, True, False]]
# You can also pass dataframe conditions inside the loc method.
# A condition returns a boolean value which can be used to
# index the loc function, as you have already seen in the
# previous scripts.
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In [11]:
In [12]:
In [13]:
Student1 True
Student2 True
Student3 False
Student4 False
Student5 True
Name: Score, dtype: bool
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student1 Mathematics 85 B Good
Student2 History 98 A Excellent
Student5 Arts 95 A Excellent
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student2 History 98 A Excellent
Student5 Arts 95 A Excellent
# Before you see how loc function uses conditions, lets see the
# outcome of a basic condition in a Pandas dataframe. The
# script below returns index names along with True or False
# values depending on whether the Score column contains a
# value greater than 80 or not.
# You can see Boolean values in the output. You can see that
# indexes Student1, Student2, and Student5 contain True.
# Now, let’s pass the condition my_df["Score"]>80” to the loc
# function.
# In the output, you can see records with the indexes Student1,
# Student2, and Student5.
# You can pass multiple conditions to the loc function. For
# instance, the script below returns those rows where the Score
# column contains a value greater than 80, and the Remarks
# column contains the string Excellent.
my_df.loc[(my_df["Score"]>80) & (my_df["Remarks"] == "Excellent")]
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In [14]:
In [15]:
Score Gra de
Student1 85 B
Student2 98 A
Student5 95 A
Subject Score Gra de Remarks
Student1 Mathematics 85 B Good
Student2 History 98 A Excellent
Student3 English 76 C Fair
Student4 90 90 90 90
Student5 Arts 95 A Excellent
# Finally, you can also specify column names to fetch values
# from, along with a condition.
# For example, the script below returns values from the Score
# and Grade columns, where the Score column contains a value
# greater than 80.
my_df.loc[my_df["Score"]>80, ["Score","Grade"]]
# Finally, you can set values for all the columns in a row using
# the loc function. For instance, the following script sets values
# for all the columns for the record at index Student4 as 90.
my_df.loc["Student4"] = 90
