Pandas Practice Code Set 11

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In [1]:
In [2]:
In [3]:
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
2 History 95 Chemistry
3 History 95 Chemistry
4 English 95 Chemistry
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
2 History 95 Chemistry
4 English 95 Chemistry
# Removing Duplicates
# Your datasets will often contain duplicate values, and
# frequently, you will need to remove these duplicate values.
import pandas as pd
scores = [['Mathematics', 85, 'Science'],
['English', 91, 'Arts'],
['History', 95, 'Chemistry'],
['History', 95, 'Chemistry'],
['English', 95, 'Chemistry'],
my_df = pd.DataFrame(scores, columns = ['Subject', 'Score', 'Subject'])
# From the above output, you can see that there are some
# duplicate rows (index 2,3), as well as duplicate columns
# (Subject) in our dataset.
# Removing Duplicate Rows
# To remove duplicate rows, you can call the drop_duplicates()
# method, which keeps the first instance and removes all the
# duplicate rows.
# Here is an example that removes the row at index 3, which is a
# duplicate of the row at index 2, from our dummy dataframe.
result = my_df.drop_duplicates()
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In [4]:
In [5]:
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
3 History 95 Chemistry
4 English 95 Chemistry
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
4 English 95 Chemistry
# If you want to keep the last instance and remove the
# remaining duplicates, you need to pass the string “last as the
# value for the keep attribute of the drop_duplicates() method.
# Here is an example:
result = my_df.drop_duplicates(keep='last')
# Finally, if you want to remove all the duplicate rows from your
# Pandas dataframe without keeping any instance, you can pass
# the Boolean value False as the value for the keep attribute, as
# shown in the example below.
result = my_df.drop_duplicates(keep=False)
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In [6]:
In [7]:
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
2 History 95 Chemistry
Subject Score Subject Percentage
0 Mathematics 85 Science 85
1 English 91 Arts 91
2 History 95 Chemistry 95
3 History 95 Chemistry 95
4 English 95 Chemistry 95
# By default, the drop_duplicates() method only removes
# duplicate rows, where all the columns contain duplicate
# values. If you want to remove rows based on duplicate values
# in a subset of columns, you need to pass the column list to the
# subset attribute.
# For instance, the script below removes all rows where the
# Score column contains duplicate values.
result = my_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Score'])
# Removing Duplicate Columns
# There are two main ways to remove duplicate columns in
# Pandas. You can remove two columns with the duplicate
# name, or you can remove two columns containing duplicate
# values for all the rows.
# Lets create a dummy dataset that contains duplicate column
# names and duplicate values for all rows for different columns.
import pandas as pd
scores = [['Mathematics', 85, 'Science', 85],
['English', 91, 'Arts', 91],
['History', 95, 'Chemistry', 95],
['History', 95, 'Chemistry', 95],
['English', 95, 'Chemistry', 95],
my_df = pd.DataFrame(scores, columns = ['Subject', 'Score', 'Subject',
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In [8]:
In [9]:
In [10]:
Subject Score Percentage
0 Mathematics 85 85
1 English 91 91
2 History 95 95
3 History 95 95
4 English 95 95
Subject Score Subject
0 Mathematics 85 Science
1 English 91 Arts
2 History 95 Chemistry
3 History 95 Chemistry
4 English 95 Chemistry
# You can see that the above dataframe contains two columns
# with the name Subject. Also, the Score and Percentage
# columns have duplicate values for all the rows.
# Lets first remove the columns with duplicate names. Here is
# how you can do that using the duplicated() method.
result = my_df.loc[:,~my_df.columns.duplicated()]
# To remove the columns with the same values, you can convert
# columns to rows using theTattribute and then call drop_
# duplicates() on the transposed dataframe. Finally, you can
# again transpose the resultant dataframe, which will have
# duplicate columns removed. Here is a sample script on how
# you can do that.
result = my_df.T.drop_duplicates().T
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In [11]:
In [12]:
name age test1 test2 teacher
0 Adam 15 95.0 80 Ashby
1 Bob 16 81.0 82 Ashby
2 Dave 16 89.0 84 Jones
3 Fred 15 NaN 88 Jones
test1 test2
Ashby 88.0 81
Jones 89.0 86
# Lets consider another dataframe.
scores = pd.DataFrame({'name':['Adam', 'Bob', 'Dave', 'Fred'],
'age': [15, 16, 16, 15],
'test1': [95, 81, 89, None],
'test2': [80, 82, 84, 88],
'teacher': ['Ashby', 'Ashby', 'Jones', 'Jones']})
# Using a pivot table, we can generalize certain groupby behaviors. To get
# the median teacher scores we can run the following:
values=['test1', 'test2'],
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In [13]:
In [14]:
test1 test2
teacher age
Ashby 15 95.0 80
16 81.0 82
Jones 15 NaN 88
16 89.0 84
min max
test1 test2 test1 test2
Ashby 81.0 80 95.0 82
Jones 89.0 84 89.0 88
# If we want to aggregate by teacher and age, we simply use a list with
# both of them for the index parameter:
scores.pivot_table(index=['teacher', 'age'],
values=['test1', 'test2'],
#If we want to apply multiple functions, just use a list of them. Here, we
# look at the minimum and maximum test scores by teacher:
values=['test1', 'test2'],
aggfunc=[min, max])
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In [15]:
test1 test2
Ashby 88.0 81
Jones 89.0 86
All 89.0 82
# One additional feature of pivot tables is the ability to add summary
# rows. Simply by setting margins=True we get this functionality:
values=['test1', 'test2'],
aggfunc='median', margins=True)
